If you like to have a cocktail ever so often, leave your money out of the casino if you set out to do your consuming in a casino. I am serious. Leave your pocketbook, your money belt, and leave all cash, plastic credit and cheques at home. Take only the cash you anticipate to spend on refreshments, tipping and few dollars you intend to burn and keep the remainder behind.

Cynical? Not at all. Just realistic. You can have a win after a intoxicated evening out with your friends and be lucky sufficiently to hit a long toss at a smokin craps game. Keep that story because it’s as short-lived as it gets if you continually drink alcohol and gamble. The pair simply do not go well together.

Leaving your money back at the hotel might be a bit dramatic, but defensive actions for drastic behavior is a requirement. If you gamble to win, then do not drink alcohol and gamble. If you are able to afford to blow your cash without a worry, then consume all the free alcohol you are able to handle, but don’t take credit cards and chequebooks to throw into the mix of going after losses after your drunken brain throws away everything!

Allow me to carry this one step more. do not consume alcohol and then hop on the internet to wager in your favorite casino either. I love to beer from the coziness of my domicile, however because I am linked up through Neteller, Firepay and have charge cards near by, I can’t drink alcohol and bet.

How come? Even though I do not drink alcohol a lot, once I drink alcohol, it’s definitely enough to befuddle my judgment. I bet, so I don’t drink when betting. If you are more of a drinker, do not gamble when you do. When mixed, both create a dangerous, and costly, cocktail.